About IQAC

About IQAC

As per the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) guidelines every accredited institution should establish its own Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). This is essential to maintain the post-accreditation quality of the university. Quality enhancement being a continuous process, the IQAC becomes a part of the institution’s system and works towards realization of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. The establishment of IQAC for smooth functioning of academic activities was in June 2011. One of the significant contributions of IQAC is to implement the student’s feedback on the curriculum. The feedback is collected online and is done at the end of each semester. The feedback collected on curriculum is compiled and are reported to the departments. The departments, in turn, take up necessary corrective measures. Loknete Gopinathji Munde Arts, Commerce and Science College was accredited by NAAC in 2004 for the first cycle, in 2011 for the second cycle, in 2017 for the Third cycle and preparation is going on for the fourth cycle of accreditation. The IQAC of College continued to strive for the betterment of processes and setup.

Goals o IQAC

The primary goals of IQAC are:
  • Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), is to build and ensure a quality culture at the institutional level.
  • The IQAC is meant to plan, guide and monitor Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities of the College.
  • The IQAC shall not be a record-keeping cell but shall channelize and systematize the effort to pull the College in the path of academic excellence.
  • The IQAC should become a driving force for ushering in quality by working out intervention strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality.
  • Routine activities of IQAC

  • Preparing of the Annual Quality Assessment Report and submitting it to NAAC, Bangalore
  • Collection of annual Performance Based Appraisal(PBAS) of faculties and Feedback on Curriculum from students
  • To prepare yearly perspective plan.
  • Beyond Normal Activities of IQAC

  • Preparing the application formats for Career Advancement Schemes and Performance-Based Appraisal as per latest UGC guidelines
  • Performing data entry of Green, Energy & Environment Audit.
  • Provide guidelines to College teaching and non teaching staff based on the suggestions of the Peer Team during the previous NAAC visit.
  • IQAC conducted the much-awaited Students Satisfaction Survey in 2017 and forwarding necessary suggestions to the University/College Administration for providing student-related amenities or services.
  • Procuring of API for calculation of academic performance score for teachers. Now the teachers have to input their performance-related activities and the API score is calculated.
  • Feedback of Students on curriculum is made online and the entire activity goes paperless.
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