Code of Conduct For Students

Code of Conduct For Students

  1. Students must attend lectures, practicals, tutorials and seminars according to the Time-Table on all working days of the College. Students must not absent themselves from lectures, practicals, tutorial, seminars and examinations without previous permission of the Principal. Absence without prior permission may lead to loss of term, since, to a term a Student has to complete 75% attendance as prescribed by University norms, to the satisfaction of the Principal, the course of study prescribed for the term for the class to which he/she belongs.
  2. Student must appear for all test and examination according to the Schedule and show satisfactory performance as per the rules, falling which their terms may not be granted.
  3. Every Student after taking admission must take Identity Card. Procedure for obtaining Identity Card will be put up on Notice Board. Identity Card should have student's latest photograph affixed on it and attested by the Principal. All details should be correctly filled on it and then laminated. Every student should wear identity Card around his/her neck so that it is visible from the front. No student will be allowed in the college campus without valid Identity Card.
  4. In case of illness, a student must apply for leave by post as soon as possible with a Doctor's certificate attached to the application and must report himself to the Principal immediately after resuming attendance.
  5. Conduct of student in the classes as well as on the premises of the college shall be such as will cause no disturbance to fellow-students or to other classes.
  6. Student must not loiter in the college premises while the classes are in progress.
  7. Students are expected to take proper care of college property and to help in keeping the premises neat and clean. Doing damage to the property of the college, i.e., disfiguring walls, doors, fittings or breaking furniture, etc. is a breach of discipline and will be duly punished.
  8. A student applying for certificate, testimonials, etc. and those requiring Principal's signature on any kind of document or application should first contact to the office of the College. No papers should be brought by students directly to the Principal for his signature.
  9. Students joining the College are, by the very fact supposed to accept and observe all the Rules and Regulations of the college and to undertake to submit to the normal enforcement of the same, to the satisfaction of the principal whose decision in this regard shall be final.
  10. Matters not covered by the existing rules will rest at the absolute discretion of the Principal.
  11. Students should not throw plastic bags or any other materials in the college premises.
  12. In case of Arts & Commerce students the term or terms shall be deemed as kept and shall not be granted unless the student produces at the end of the term certificate each from the Heads of the respective Department stating that the student has completed the prescribed Tutorial Course.
  13. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the college premises.
  14. Notice Board: It is the duty of every student to check the Notice Board every day. No excuse for non-compliance with any order, based on the plea that the Notice was not read, would be accepted. This also applies to notification issued by the University from time to time. All formalities and forms regarding Examination, Results, Enrolment, Scholarships, and Stipend etc. should be submitted as per the scheduled date announced by the college office.
  15. Student are not permitted to use Cellular Phones in college Premises. Failure to comply can lead to confiscation of the instruments and fine of Rs. 100/- at each violation.
  16. No change in course will be allowed for subjects for which concession / relaxation is given at the time of admission.

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